Basement Waterproofing Baltimore

When it comes to basement waterproofing, there are few quick fixes that can solve your basement waterproofing woes. You can’t caulk and concrete patch your way to a dry basement in most cases. Generally it comes down to one thing: controlling the flow of water. This will generally require the expertise of a professional basement waterproofing company.

Let’s assume, though, that your problem isn’t that severe, and your hesitant on spending the energy and the money it takes to hire a professional. Is it possible that you could try to divert the water before it can get close to your home? Well, that depends on the issue you’re having. For some, the water is actually pushing up and against your foundation from below and around your foundation. In that case the installation of drain tile and sump pumps are going to be the best solution.

For those of you who have smaller issues, like hairline cracks and water leaking down over the top of the walls, you may want to consider this solution: regrading your soil outside. You see sill plate leakage, or water leaking through the seam where the first floor of your home sits on top of your foundation wall, is fairly common and can occur when water is allow to pool around your foundation. We have seen many cases where doing something as simple as re-grading the soil outside AWAY from the home, can solve the problem. The same thing can be said for some experiencing minor hairline crack leaks.

Give it a shot and see what you can do! If all else fails, call a basement waterproofing professional out for a free inspection; they may be able to point something else out for you!