Sump Pump Discharge Lines


sump-pump-discharge-linesFew things can shut down an effective basement waterproofing system like an ineffective discharge line. It’s one of the more underrated, yet certainly important piece of the basement waterproofing puzzle.

The discharge line is responsible for moving the water that collects in the sump basin out of your home, and out into the yard or into your home’s storm system. If it’s not working properly, it could spell disaster for your basement, especially during a rainstorm.

Potential Problems

There are certain things your are going to want to look out for when determining the effectiveness of your discharge line. First, make sure it’s not overly-complicated, or too long. The pump has to do a lot of work pushing water out of those lines against the force of gravity, so the easier you can make it on the pump the better. If possible, consider re-routing the pipe out of another wall to shorten discharge length, and attempt to reduce the amount of fittings used. Be sure to consult your local village codes.

Consider re-routing your discharge lines above ground. In many cases, it’s certainly fine to bury your discharge lines, especially if there is plenty of land to allow for a downward pitch, or the possibility of terminating out of the side of a hill or large swail ditch.

When it comes to sump pump discharge lineswinter freezing is one of the most important things to look out for. During the freezing winter months, water can build up in improperly pitched discharge lines and freeze, completely prohibiting the flow of water out of your home and potentially backing up into your basement. To avoid the risk of freezing, make sure your discharge lines are properly pitched at a downward angle so water isn’t allow to sit in the pipe, and consider shortening the pipe with a rubber coupling during the winter.