About EZ Breathe

Basement Humidity Control | E-Z Breathe

Take a Deep Breath

The air that you breathe in your home is filled with contaminants – from molds and mildew, to toxins and odors – that are caused by excess moisture and humidity.

Now Exhale

EZ Breathe™ expels the excess moisture that causes stale, polluted air, while creating a complete air exchange in the home, resulting in a fresh and healthy living environment.


Does Your Home Show Warning Signs?

  • Dampness and moisture on walls, floors and windows – even in dry weather
  • Musty basement odor
  • Cold, damp basement
  • Mold and mildew
  • Indoor allergic discomfort
  • Peeling paint and rotting windows sills/frames
  • Sweaty, icy windows during winter months

EZ Breathe™: The Efficient Choice for a Moisture-Free Home

  • Maintenance free and easy to operate with no filters to change or buckets of water to empty
  • Energy efficient: Costs less than $2 per month to operate
  • Large capacity: One EZ Breathe™ unit does work comparable to seven dehumidifiers
  • Versatile: EZ Breathe™ is used in full basements, slabs or crawl spaces